From the images above you can tell that Kermit the frog is a male figure by how he is dressed, for example he is wearing a suite. This is a good exapmle because men are associated with wearing suites where as if Kermit was a girl then he would wear a dress or skirt for business wear. Also to suggest that Kermit is a man in the second picture he is holding an ak47, this is another good example because men are also associated with guns and war.
From the first image above I can safely say that I feel Kermit is a good role model for children because he is dressed in smart clothing , this suggests that he is working for a business and that because of his dress sence he is well off with enough money to buy suites and also it shows from what he is wearing that he cares about his apperance. But from the second image I can say that he is not a good role model because of him showing of an ak47, this represents war and this is not a good message that kids should be seeing.
Good description on the representation of gender, Clear points. You could look at how frogs are seen across other medias and maybe his relationship with Miss Piggy. :)