Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Audience Research

As part of my audience research i had to find the target audience that i would like to sell my product to, so i went on the website and had to fill in this big questionnaire where the first time i did it i filled it out just for me personally and it came up with the result that i was an indie kid , then i did the questionnaire again and answered the questions as if i were the target audience and again i got the result of an indie kid, so this shows that my product is based for indie kids. Below is the result i got of the website and also there is a link to the video i got from my results for my target audience.

You are an Indie Kid! There’s nothing like the twang of a guitar to get your Converse tapping. Indie Kids are part of a mass – whether that means swaying with their friends at a gig, commenting on Drowned in Sound’s message board or trawling through band profiles on My Space for the next exciting sound. It’s amazing what can still be done with a guitar, you know.

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