Wednesday, 19 October 2011

magazines that are appropriate for my aftershave

 Magazines that are appropriate with my aftershave

The first magazine that I found that I thought would be good to advertise my product in would be the magazine GQ, This would be a good magazine because just like my aftershave it is a get up and go magazine, and my bottle is aimed at people who get up and get an early fresh start to the day.
as you can see to the left I have included a picture of the magazine GQ , straight away you can tell that it is for men who because it says up the top that it is the worlds leading men’s magazine, also it has a famous woman posing on the front, this would also  bring men closer because of the girls in the magazine. I went onto the website and looked about and found that this magazine is aimed at men who like to find out all about the new fashion, gadgets, entertainment and cars, all the things that men like but you can tell that this is a business men sort of magazine audience because the fashion section in the magazine is all the new suites , so this would suggest that they are this     stereotypical sort of businessman where they get up early and go to work and with my aftershave it will give them a fresh start to the day.

The other magazine that I looked at which I think could be good to advertise my aftershave would be this magazine to the left called Esquire, the reason for this is because it is basically just like GQ but with a few differences because this magazine, after looking through the website  I can tell that it is still aimed for men around 17-30 years of age but instead of being a business worker they are just normal everyday people who like to look at the latest fashions and all new gadgets and so on. So normal people could wake up and spray my aftershave and have a fresh get up and go attitude start to the day.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Audience Research

As part of my audience research i had to find the target audience that i would like to sell my product to, so i went on the website and had to fill in this big questionnaire where the first time i did it i filled it out just for me personally and it came up with the result that i was an indie kid , then i did the questionnaire again and answered the questions as if i were the target audience and again i got the result of an indie kid, so this shows that my product is based for indie kids. Below is the result i got of the website and also there is a link to the video i got from my results for my target audience.

You are an Indie Kid! There’s nothing like the twang of a guitar to get your Converse tapping. Indie Kids are part of a mass – whether that means swaying with their friends at a gig, commenting on Drowned in Sound’s message board or trawling through band profiles on My Space for the next exciting sound. It’s amazing what can still be done with a guitar, you know.